速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Mick Tagger

Mick Tagger



檔案大小:14.9 MB


版本需求:macOS 10.13 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Mick Tagger(圖1)-速報App

Mick Tagger is a veritable Swiss Army Knife of music discovery and organization features:

=== Mailbox Monday

Are you a pro user? Do you enjoy finding new music? Following too many playlists? Too many new songs to keep track of?

Use Mailbox Monday:

- Group any number of playlists together – by feeling, genre, artist, year, you decide!

Mick Tagger(圖2)-速報App

- This grouping will create a new playlist

- In that playlist, every Monday, the app will gather and add the new songs added over the past week from the component playlists

- Kick back every Monday and have something to look forward to at the start of your week

=== Quick Save and Quick Open

Fastest way to add a track to a playlist. We’d like to say “no hands required”, but will you accept – “no mouse required”?

Mick Tagger(圖3)-速報App

- Invoke the app through the CMD + SHIFT + Space shortcut

- Start typing in a playlist name

- Press ENTER when you’ve found it

- TAB through playlists until you find the right one

- If the playlist doesn’t exist, the app will create it

Mick Tagger(圖4)-速報App

- And we won’t duplicate any songs!

=== Evergreen Playlists

Let Mick Tagger keep your playlists fresh! The app will figure out which songs you skip often and which you play all the way through. After you’ve skipped a song enough times, the app will remove it from the playlist, so you’ll enjoy your playlists on every listen.

=== Other nifty features

For avid music lovers, CMD + SHIFT + j will queue up 3 more songs from the current artist – easiest way to explore an artist you've just discovered

Mick Tagger(圖5)-速報App

Have a Sonos and are struggling to control the volume on it? There's a setting for that in Mick Tagger

Mick Tagger works with Spotify.

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Mick Tagger(圖6)-速報App